How do I fling anxiety?

Anxiety has entered my life once again. It’s something I battle more often than I would like. Whether it’s anxiety about gun violence, politics, weather or the pandemic, I find a well-worn anxiety path. 

When I travel this well-worn path Jesus reminds me to “cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.” from 1 Peter 5:7.  

This verse, in two words, answers the question, how do you get rid of anxiety?


By casting, which means to throw, fling or discard. Now you get to choose whether you throw them toward Jesus by hand or slingshot.   


By casting all your anxieties. All means just that, all, not just one, two, or twenty. Jesus wants all your anxieties. When anxious thoughts flit through your brain, capture them, then fling them at Jesus.  

Why can you fling your anxieties on Jesus? 

Because my friend, Jesus cares about you. He’s interested in your well-being and loves you.

Let that truth soak into your soul this week. 

God bless. 

Please share this encouragement with others! Thank you.

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